Saturday 11 October 2014


I ask myself, who am I? I laugh and cry and then laugh again. At times I laugh so hard that tears roll down my face and at times I laugh after crying a lot harder.I believe in God as the divine one with no particular image to idolize and I also believe in the very existence of evil. I believe in love and also understand that loving one can lead to cheating other and I believe in hatred. I believe in truth and lying for the sake of making the truth sweeter. I believe in the two sides of a coin and also that the two sides are meant to be together and nothing without each other. I believe that terror exists because there exists love and terrorism exists because some people love themselves or there are people they love. I believe in something and I contradict myself. I prove myself right and then I prove it to myself that the wy I used to prove myself right is actually, very much wrong. I act stupid and talk intelligenty about it. I'm proud and yet not so proud. I'm brave and a coward. I am strong and yet weak I lose hopes and try to give others hope. I am not afraid to fight and to lose but I'm afraid to fight for something which means a lot for me and lose it for ever. I am full of contradiction and I love myself. 
 After reading it you must be thinking how full I am of myself. :D But think it over again, many of you write journals but how many of you write down your thoughts more than your experiences? How many of you are familiar with your inner self? 

 Anyway, I wanted to have you all look at a painting I created :P So how's it?

To try out this effect check the tutorial here

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