So with Narendra Modi blessing the #selfiewithdaughters movement this movement has gone quite viral. However I feel that this movement is not an effective move in support of women empowerment. I feel this, because a selfie cannot determine what type of treatment a daughter is facing and neither can it fix this. A selfie cannot express the plight of a daughter and a photograph cannot show the misogyny and the evilness inside a man. A selfie cannot change the mindset of people. To be reformed, we need something more effective. The fact that Shruti Seth received so many hate tweets just because she disapproved of this movement and many of tweets from other fathers and mothers and men and women alike show that the selfies that they were taking with their daughters did not make them feel for once that whoever they were condemning was someone's daughter. Remember, behind each door there isn't an ideal family. Remember, not every person is what they seem to be out in the open. So a selfie cannot really change you unless you believe in making a change. It's not the selfie which is supposed to make the change, but the fact that we need to come together to take that selfie and that we need to make the girls and the women comfortable and not alienated in this nation. Sadly many of us has missed the very point of having this movement. Thus, unless people are made aware of the hidden lesson in this movement, I believe, this movement is ineffective.
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